Be with us tonight, Wednesday, February 24 for our 7:00 PM ZOOM Wednesday Lenten Service. Pastor Mike will be preaching on select verses from Isaiah 53. We will be using the Holden Evening Prayer as our Order of Service for these upcoming Wednesday Lenten Worship Services. Please note the Holden Evening Prayer pdf attachment HERE. Thank you, Craig Pizinski, for your help in making this available. Please print it, if possible, and keep it handy for the following weeks. It is lengthy, however, remember we will be using the same format for the upcoming five weeks. Thank you, Marcia Hallenbeck and Pam Lugo, for sharing your musical talents with us!
As part of the Holden Evening Prayer, we will be singing one hymn at each of the next five Wednesday services. The hymn for tonight’s service appears in the Lenten Wednesday Hymns 2021 HERE. Click on it, OPEN, PRINT, START SINGING! Look for the second hymn next week!!!
Thank you for participating with us on these Tuesday Evening Bible Studies at 6:15 PM – (one week at 6:00 PM), Wednesday 7:00 PM Lenten Services AND Sunday 10:00 AM Worship Services – ALL ON ZOOM!!! Holy Week and Easter are coming as well. More services will be available!!!