Our Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, January 2, following our worship service. Council Chairpersons, please submit your annual…
Please check your mailboxes in the narthex where you will find your 2020 offering envelopes. If yours aren’t there and…
Many individuals are waiting to hear of the ministry opportunities planned for January at Cross of Glory. If you have…
TUESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will resume on Tuesday, January 7, at 6:15 PM: Life Lesson from James by Max Lucado is being…
From Helen and Jim Devantery: Prayers for their friend, Lynda Duke, who suffers from COPD and pneumonia and is afflicted with…
JANUARY 23 (THURSDAY) 10:30 AM – NATIONAL WESTERN STOCK SHOW. The cost of $23.00 includes the ProRodeo, ground admission and access to…
You can sponsor flowers for a special person and/or occasion and beautify our sanctuary – all for $15. Sign the…
SUNDAY, JANUARY 19: Newly elected Church Council Chairpersons will be installed. TUESDAY, JANUARY 21: Joint Church Council Meeting will be…
Greeter: Lisa Schmidt Ushers: Doreen Eubank & Pat Lemster Lector: Pat Lemster Children’s Sermon: Pastor Mike Children’s Sunday School: Julie Prange Communion: Pam…
Thank you for bringing someone with you to church today to participate in our worship ministry! Invite them to our…
Thanks to all of you, our sanctuary looks heavenly! For those who sponsored poinsettias, the cost is $15 per plant.…
Thank you EVERYONE for making our Advent, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Worship Services so meaningful. Indeed, Christ is born!
Pastor Mike wishes to thank the congregation for his gracious Christmas gift. What a blessing Cross of Glory is!
From Lynn and Steve Reid: Prayers for Lee Nordine’s Family. Lee passed away last week. Request Cards are in your bulletins. If…
Please check your mailboxes in the narthex where you will find your 2020 offering envelopes. If yours aren’t there and…
FLOWERS are sponsored by the Danforth Family “In Memory of Daddy, Chester Brauckmuller’s Birthday.”
FLOWER SHEET FOR 2020: You can sponsor flowers for a special person and/or occasion and beautify our sanctuary – all…
OUR OUTREACH FOCUS FOR DECEMBER IS OUR HELPING HANDS PROGRAM: Helping Hands has provided thousands of dollars in assistance to…
Submit your “news” to lemkemj@comcast.net or leave it in the newsletter mail slot in the narthex.
December 29 is the fifth Sunday of the month! During this special month, continue to invite others to participate in…