New greeting cards (all occasion) and calendars are items that are always needed at New Beginnings Worshiping Community, the church…
CROSS OF GLORY YARD SALE IS SATURDAY, JUNE 15: Start going through your closets, drawers and crawl spaces for items you are now…
CROSS OF GLORY’S 60TH ANNIVERSARY will be celebrated next Sunday, June 2 beginning with our 10:00 AM Worship Service. Everyone…
The June newsletter deadline is today, Sunday, May 26. Please submit your “news” to or leave it in the…
Greeter: Katie Schober Ushers: John & Cherry Test Lector: Marcia Hallenbeck Children’s Sermon: Kelli Dankenbring Communion: Jan Reich & Pam…
You are invited to bring your bank statements,cancelled checks,medical records or anything you would like to have destroyed to Cross…
CAROLINE GLAVIN AND SARAH DIXON, are full-time volunteers at Urban Peak, our May Outreach Focus Organization. They are with us…
Thank you for selecting the hymns we are singing.You will have another opportunity to select more of your favorites on…
FLOWERS THIS MORNING are sponsored by Carin and Kurt Davis “In Celebration of Zachary’s birthday.”
The Outreach Committee has designated CANOLA OR OLIVE OIL for those less fortunate. Please place your food donations in the…
This Colorado’s premier organization works with youth living on the streets. It provides five basic services for youth ages 15…
As visitors worship with us, please encourage them to sit with you! Help them navigate through our worship service. Introduce…
We are now enrolled into the new King Soopers Community Rewards Program that has replaced our King Soopers Gift Card…
The participants will meet on Tuesday, July 9, at 6:30 PM. They have selected the book, Orphan Train by Christina…
SATURDAY, JUNE 1, COMMUNITY SHRED: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM: You are invited to bring your bank statements, cancelled checks, …
Thank You for Assisting This Morning – May 19, 2019 Greeter: Vada Danforth Ushers: Danny & Vada Danforth Lector: Gina…
Please submit your “news” to or leave it in the newsletter slot in the narthex.
Hymn Sing Sundays being observed on the last Sundays of May, June, July and August, will resume on Sunday, May…
Our Church Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 21, at 7:15 PM.
SAFETY AND AWARENESS CLASS – TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 21: Our evening will begin at 5:00 PM with a light dinner…