Your May newsletters are in your mail slots and/or in the narthex. Please take yours today! Ministry opportunities are waiting!
Thank you for sponsoring Easter Lilies. When you submit payment ($15 per lily), please designate “lily.” You may take your…
Our evening will begin at 5:00 PM with a light dinner in the Fellowship Hall followed by the class at…
METRO CARING MAY FOOD FOCUS: The Outreach Committee has designated CANOLA OR OLIVE OIL for those less fortunate. Please place…
This Colorado’s premier organization works with youth living on the streets. It provides five basic services for youth ages 15…
FLOWERS THIS MORNING are sponsored by Faye Kamrath “In celebration of Kenley Keefer’s baptism this September – five years ago!!!”
Greeter: Vada & Danny Danforth Ushers: Scott Dankenbring & Pat Lemster Lector: Gina Diekmeier Communion: Vada Danforth &…
THANK YOU, JIM DITTER, for again sharing your musical talents on the organ and piano in Karen Matlock’s absence.
THANK YOU, PASTOR JOHN BENGSTON, for sharing your ministry and being with us in Pastor Mike’s absence during his Sabbatical.…