Please print out both for service this Sunday, Oct 31 Hymns Liturgy
1. Bonnie Frank remains hospitalized for the onset of a weird kind of leukemia… a cancer of the veins She…
Please take the time to download and print BOTH the Celebrates and these hymns in anticipation of our upcoming 10…
Nov. 2 – NO Bible Study (Tuesday Bible Study will resume on Tuesday, November 9) Nov. 6 – Cross of…
No Book Club Meeting in October Oct. 3 – Blessing of the Animal Service Worship Service at COG AND with…
NEW BEGINNINGS WOMEN’S WORSHIPING COMMUNITY One thing about Fall is the scheduled annual Chow Hall Fundraising Gala for the New…
(Canned foods to make Thanksgiving dinner complete – If you’ve ever put black olives on your fingers, you just have…
Fall is in the air, we prepare for colder weather, the aromas of delicious foods in the oven, friends and…
All ladies are encouraged to meet at Cross of Glory on the last Saturday of each month to socialize, and…
On the third Sunday of each month, we celebrate Cross of Glory Birthday Sunday! We recognize those individuals born during…
These last weeks, we have appreciated looking at Deuteronomy 6:4, “Love the Lord your God with your entire being!” As…
It was on October 31, 1517. Martin Luther, a priest, an educator, in Wittenberg Germany, went to the town bulletin…
Thank you, EVERYONE, for the help you have provided for teaching, assisting, learning, participating and everything that has been done…