There will be an Annual Meeting on Sunday, January 20 immediately following our worship service. The budget for 2019 will…
Many individuals are waiting to hear of the ministry opportunities planned for January at Cross of Glory. If you have…
THANK YOU: Pastor Mike wishes to thank the congregation for his gracious Christmas gift! He knows that truly YOU ALL…
Submit your “news” to Mary Lemke at or leave it in the newsletter mail slot in the narthex. Share…
JANUARY RTD EVENT: JANUARY 24 (THURSDAY) 10:30 AM – NATIONAL WESTERN STOCK SHOW. The cost of $22.00 includes the ProRodeo,…
Have you looked in your mailbox in the narthex recently? There are some that are “bursting” with important information! Thank…
WOMEN’S FAITH CLUB: The women have selected the book, Women of the Bible by Ann Spangler and Jean Syswerda as…
CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY MINISTRY ASSISTANTS: If you are able to help, please sign the sheet in the Fellowship…
We light the Christ Candle – JESUS IS BORN! Like the shepherds who raced to Bethlehem to see the miracle, let us…
With the lighting of the Christ Candle, Jesus is about to be born! Let us be part of the story as…
ADVENT SUNDAY NIGHT COG FAMILY OUTREACH: Please meet at the church at 6:00 PM December 23rd. We will bring Advent/Christmas…
FLOWERS this morning are sponsored by Pam and Sergio Lugo “In Celebration of our 50th Wedding Anniversary.”
POINSETTIAS will beautify our sanctuary during Christmas. If you would like to sponsor a plant, maybe in honor or celebration of…
Several of our 10:00 AM and 6:00 PM Bible Study participants are unable to be with us. Therefore, classes will…
DECEMBER 17: (MONDAY) HOLIDAY LIGHT TOUR. For those who signed up, please be at COG at 6:45 PM. The tour is free.…
At our Congregational Meeting last Sunday, a special election was held. Thank you to what will be our 2019 Church…
10:00 AM Worship with Lighting of the Angels’ Candle and Holy Communion Children’s Christmas Worship Service will be held at…
Tuesday, December 18, 7:15 PM.
On Christmas Day, December 25, we celebrate the birthday of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. All individuals born in December are…
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16: THIRD SUNDAY IN ADVENT – WORSHIP AT 10:00 AM: With the lighting of the Shepherd’s Candle, we…