Until we can worship together at Cross of Glory, with the help of ZOOM technology, Steve Reid, Pastor Mike, YOU…
Our Yard Sale, initially scheduled for some time in June, has been tentatively rescheduled for Saturday, August 8. You will…
PETS FOR VETS IS OUR JULY OUTREACH FOCUS ORGANIZATION. The Pets for Vets program is dedicated to supporting military veterans…
“BOB”, our Big Orange Box, is ready and waiting for non-perishable donations for Metro Caring’s food bank. There is a…
Dear Cross of Glory, Thank you for your extremely generous donation of $500. We continue to marvel at how God…
Please be sure to remember in your hearts and prayers our dear friends from church, Jim Mueller whose sister Alice…
August is approaching which means plans will be made soon for our fall activities. Obviously, we are still uncertain as…
Thank you for participating in our Community Shred Event last May. Many of you brought “piles” of information to be…
Piggy-backing on our anticipated Yard Sale at Cross of Glory the day before (and the shady tents that will consequently…
Meeting in our homes and with the help of ZOOM, we are continuing to participate in our Tuesday Evening Bible…
We are enjoying our summer Hymn Sing Sunday tradition when on the last Sunday of the month, YOU select the…
Cross of Glory’s Women’s Faith Club traditionally meets on the last Saturday of each month at the Perkins Restaurant located…
Everyone is invited to come to join the fun at our Cross of Glory Book Club! We have a great…
If you shop at King Soopers and/or Safeway, they have programs that when you enroll, your purchases can benefit Cross…
Remember the Lone Ranger television show? It seems like the final line of every episode was, “Who was that masked…
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3037560735 Meeting ID: 303 756 0735 One tap mobile +12532158782,,3037560735# US (Tacoma) +13462487799,,3037560735# US (Houston) …
Hello Everyone! I pray you are well. Please let me, us, know how you are doing. Remember to pass on…
Here are the hymns and lessons for tomorrow. It’s Hymn Sing Sunday! You will enjoy the hymns YOU have selected! …
Time: Jun 28, 2020 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3037560735 Meeting ID: 303…
It’s Sunday tomorrow – Father’s Day, COG June Birthday Sunday – and OUR SUNDAY WORSHIP VIA ZOOM AT 10:00 AM!!! …