Events that people celebrate in March: Day-light Saving Time begins; St. Patrick’s Day and the First Day of Spring. At…
Please submit your April information by leaving it in the newsletter box in the narthex or email it to…
CROSS OF GLORY COMMUNITY SHRED EVENT SATURDAY, MAY 16 10:00 AM – 12:00 NOON If you are you sorting through various…
We have an opportunity in April to add additional beautify to our sanctuary! Easter Sunday is April 12. Watch for…
Come, Join the fun at Cross of Glory Book Club. We have a great time discussing the books selected by…
One day a professor entered the room and asked his class to prepare for a surprise test. They all waited…
MARCH 17 (TUESDAY) CINZZETTIS LUNCH. Reservations have been made! The cost of the “All You Can Eat Buffet” is $8.60,…
Greeters: Danforths Ushers: Tests Lector: Gina Diekmeier Children’s Sermon: Pastor Mike Children’s Sunday School: Julie Prange Communion: Julie Prange & Jan…
• Prayers for Tim Storhaug’s physical and spiritual strength. • Prayers for Connie Powell and her brother, Dawes Moore, Edie…
After worshipping with our friends at Prince of Peace on Ash Wednesday, alternating our worship service locations, we return to…
TUESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will not be held during Lent. Class will resume on Tuesday, April 14.
We want to take a final tally of the canned soup donations after our worship service this morning. We also…
The Outreach Committee has designated TUNA and/or CANNED MEAT for those less fortunate. Place your food donations in the boxes…
Helping Hands Program, created in 2011, has been a true blessing to many people. It helps people right in our…
FLOWERS THIS MORNING are sponsored by Mary Lemke “In Memory of My Dad’s Passing 68 years ago on May 29,…
Please leave your “news” in the newsletter mailbox in the narthex or email it to
• Prayers for Connie Powell and her brother, Dawes Moore, Edie Carlson’s cousins. Connie lost her son on 12-10-19 and Dawes…
Greeter: Mary Lemke Ushers: Vada & Danny Danforth Lector: Marcia Hallenbeck Children’s Sermon: Kelli Dankenbring Children’s Sunday School: Carin Davis Communion: Marcia…
OUR OUTREACH FOCUS FOR FEBRUARY IS THE DELORES PROJECT. Each year, this organization serves approximately 450 individuals, providing 20,000 nights…
Class will resume on Tuesday, April 14.