March Outreach

“Walk a mile in his/her shoes.” Pastor Mike frequently reminds us that we all have different burdens, problems, we face every day. We do not always know a neighbor’s, or a friend’s, or even a family member’s struggles. Jesus reminds us, no, Jesus commands us, to love our neighbors. What does that mean to you? Love is so many things to each of us. Seeing the need of someone is a way of loving, doing something for them is an act of love. 
Growing out of those needs, Cross of Glory created a Helping Hands Ministry several years ago. All year our congregation reaches out in love to the community, the country, the world. For March, our Outreach will be dedicated to our church family. As you see needs, please give as much as you can during March. 
If you or someone you know needs Helping Hands support, please contact Pastor Mike.  All requests are confidential.  Also consider supporting the Helping Hands program with your time or service.  If you are able to help, please let Pastor Mike know of your availability.
Metro Caring’s
March Item of the Month

Sanitation Kits
 We will be collecting Non-Food Items in March – Sanitation Kits.  Items included could be toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, conditioner, hand sanitizer, etc.  A group of travel sized packages would be appreciated.  Bring as many items as you are able and place them in the narthex at Cross of Glory or in the Big Orange Box (BOB) located at the front door of Cross of Glory. 
A HUUUGGGE Thank You to everyone for all the soup you donated during January and February. At last count, over 703 cans of soup were donated!  WOW! What a Souper congregation!  Thank you, Danny Danforth, Pastor Mike, Angel Torres, Lindsey Janoe, Julie Prange and Logan Jenkins for all your help with collecting and delivering the soup. 
Lisa Schmidt
Outreach and Evangelism Chairperson
Metro Caring’s
February Item of the Month
Last year, Pastor Mike set a goal to collect 10,000 cans of soup for Metro Caring for the Super Bowl. We tried, but we did not meet that goal. We were short by a few thousand!!
So in January, we began collecting and donating cans of soup for two months, January AND February, in hopes of reaching our goal of 10,000 cans. We are on our wayThank you for providing soup in January – now February!  We can do it!  We have already delivered 96 pounds of soup to Metro Caring! Start filling our Big Orange Box (BOB) with all the cans of soup you ‘can.’  A SUGGESTION – for those who are attending worship at Cross of Glory or stopping by, make it a priority to bring a can(s) of soup with you – with your Bibles, of course!!
Lisa Schmidt, Outreach and Evangelism Chairperson