1. Recently we prayed for Geri Sheldon’s daughter-in-law, Tammy’s father, Keith Gage, who had recently suffered a stroke. He had been experiencing some mental challenges which appeared to be getting worse due to the stroke. The Gage family was weighing options as to possibly looking for a facility where Keith would possibly be moved to receive medical care. Tammy has returned home now after spending time with her folks in Iowa. The family wishes to thank everyone for their prayers. They have decided, for the time being, Keith will remain at home under his wife’s care.
Geri also asks for prayers for a friend of hers, Marcie, who lives in Fairhope, Alabama. Marcie is single and has lived with her mother. Her mother recently passed away and Marcie is very lonely and depressed. She feels she “has a hole in her heart.” She is enjoying the company of a newly acquired dog who is providing companionship. Prayers for Marcie would be appreciated.
2. About a year and a half ago in the Fellowship room I (Doreen Eubank), asked for donations for my friend’s lady dog walker. She had been taken to jail on the weekend accused of hitting a young man in the parking area of my friend’s home. Since she did not do it, she was released immediately but still had an attorney bill. The good people of Cross of Glory contributed $55.00. She is returning the $55.00 to our church with a note saying, please pass it on to someone else who may need it. Now, how often does that happen? I will be sending the money by check this week. Though I have not met her, she must truly be a wonderful person.
3. From Cherry Test regarding her son’s Mike bout with the virus: I just wanted to update you on what’s going with Mike and his Covid. After three weeks, he was still having difficulty breathing and generally not feeling better (although he would say he was!), He was in ER Wednesday night and back Thursday morning. The doctor thought he might have a pulmonary embolism and ordered a lung x-ray and blood tests. The x-ray was too clouded to see if there was a blood clot. The blood test to check for a blood clot was abnormal. They were not able to do a CT scan because he doesn’t have two kidneys. After consultation with his oncologists, they decided to do the scan. We all had a terrible couple of days, especially Mike and Kim. But finally GOOD NEWS yesterday afternoon. No blood clot; minimal damage to his lungs that should heal in a couple of months and he went home with oxygen to assist the healing of his lungs and of course, make Mike more comfortable. Answered prayers!
4. Remember Elain Crawford’s family in your prayers. It appears like Elain’s funeral will be at Cross of Glory this Thursday afternoon (February 25) sometime.