Hi Disciples of the Christ!
The sacred season of Lent has been marked historically as a time of fasting, prayer, and Bible Study. Christians of the present and of the past deliberately, even sacrificially, devote more attention to God, the same God who so loved the world that He gave us a Savior.
Please join us for Zoom worship these next 5 Wednesday evenings as we re-commit our hearts to the Lord. We will be using Holden Evening Prayer as our liturgy. Be looking for the multi-paged service to be sent to you. Yes, it is lengthy, but look at it this way: The many pages you will print can be used for ALL the upcoming Wednesdays… for that matter… Lenten seasons in years ahead! Thanks to Craig Pizinski and Mary Lemke (Mom) we have the service in front of us!
I will be preaching on Isaiah 53 these upcoming Wednesdays. Look at this eerie prediction of Jesus’ crucifixion written 800 years before Christ’s trip to the cross!
Here is the link:
Topic: Cross of Glory’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Feb 24, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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