Pastor Mike came home from the hospital Friday, July 23. He is feeling well, realizing that the problem with his heart valve these last months probably took a lot more out of him than he thought. He will be resting at home these next weeks, appreciative of all your prayers and helps. Certainly, for a few Sundays, he will be away from leading worship in our church building.
As Pastor Mike’s mom, I am so thankful for your love of him and for our family. As Pastor Mike continues to recover, you will receive updates. Please continue to keep him in heart, mind, and in prayer.
And be sure to pray for Jan Reich whose sister Caroline passed away early last week. Pray for Jan’s safe return to us from her road trip to be with family in Texas.
Also, pray for Angel Torres who is hospitalized at Denver Health Medical Center with a re-appearing of his pancreatitis.
Mary Lemke