Sunday, July 25th at 10:30 AM (please note the time change) Pastor Jeanne Larsen will conduct our Cross of Glory service. She will be coming from Prince of Peace Lutheran Church (Pastor Todd is on vacation in Minnesota) and hopes to arrive at our church for worship shortly before our 10:30 AM start. She asks that we be patient with her IF she happens to be running behind a few minutes.
Below is the worship link for tomorrow morning’s worship service. Please note the time change. Worship either in our building or on Zoom begins at 10:30!!!
Topic: Cross of Glory’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Jul 25, 2021 10:30 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 303 756 0735
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As Pastor Mike’s mom, I am so thankful for your love of him and for our family. As Pastor Mike continues to recover, you will receive updates. Please continue to keep him in heart, mind and in prayer.
And be sure to pray for Jan Reich whose sister Caroline passed away early last week. Pray for Jan’s safe return to us from her road trip to be with family in Texas.
Also, pray for Angel Torres who is hospitalized at Denver Health Medical Center with a re-appearing of his pancreatitis.
Download the Celebrate insert HERE and hymns HERE.
See you in church Sunday, July morning. Remember 10:30! Please welcome Pastor Jeanne with typical Cross of Glory warmth and hospitality!
Thankful for you! Mary Lemke