Some people say that the shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept.” They would be half-right. There is also a verse in the Scriptures that says, “Pray constantly.” When it comes to prayer though, unfortunately, many of us treat it as short all right… if not altogether… forgotten about! What a shame! What loss!
Think about it like this: If you could meet, and then talk, for as long as you would like, with… WHOMEVER, WHOM would it be? Add to that! This person would give you his/her undivided, forever-patient attention as long as you visited! But wait! There’s yet more! This caring, loving person, would be willing… and wanting… to actually HELP YOU WITH WHAT YOU NEEDED! And lastly, this person could actually deliver! Wouldn’t you jump at the chance to visit at length, and often, with someone so absolutely, amazingly beautiful?
What is keeping us from praying to/with God? Each Sunday after worship, this at 11:30 in our sanctuary, we are sharing prayer requests with God… and with each other. We are resurrecting our Prayer Chain at church. How about being part of both? Please! Blessings await! Promise!