March-Helping Hands Ministry


HELPING HANDS MINISTRY                     

This program supports the adage “charity begins at home” by helping congregational members and friends of the congregation in their time of need.

Past Helping Hands disbursements have provided funds for groceries, utilities, lodging, transportation, medical bills, and even paid for car repairs.   

In addition to monetary support, we also are in need of people to provide Helping Hands support in other ways.  Can you drive someone to a medical appointment or buy groceries for someone who is housebound?  Can you walk a dog for someone who can’t?  If you are able to offer your time or services, please make Pastor Mike aware of your availability.  The need is real, and so is our support.  Please consider being an active participant in our Helping Hands program.

Also, if you or someone you know has a special need, please complete a Helping Hands card available in the narthex or contact Pastor Mike to make a request.  All assistance from the Helping Hands program is kept confidential.  Don’t hesitate to be a part of Cross of Glory’s Helping Hands program – either as a provider or as a recipient.  Helping Hands has become a significant part of our congregation’s Outreach ministry since its inception in 2011.  Thank you for your loving concern for others.