10:00 AM – 12:00 NOON
We had a Community Shred Event last October where several of you brought information to be shredded! Are you collecting more personal items such as cancelled checks, medical records, receipts with account numbers being displayed and any other general personal pieces that should be permanently destroyed? If so, Cross of Glory can be of help to you again – and at the same time, Cross of Glory can benefit too!!
On Saturday, May 6, from 10:00 AM – 12:00 Noon, the truck will be at Cross of Glory to assist you with removing that concern from your life! (Please dispose of your newspapers, trash and/or pop cans elsewhere). A suggested donation of $5 per box or trash bag is being requested. However, a larger donation would be appreciated too. Thank you, Shelly Blakely, for making arrangements for our Community Shred. Volunteers will be needed to assist with unloading boxes, as well as breaking down the cardboard boxes. Please visit with Shelly if you can help.