Practicing the suggested guideline for safety, social distancing and wearing masks, we are hoping to “see” and meet everyone in person on our lawn at Cross of Glory at our Outdoor Service on Sunday, August 9. If you are able to bring your own folding chairs, please do so. Of course, as the need dictates, we will be prepared with church chairs anyway, thoroughly cleaned. Communion will be offered.
AS FOR THE ACTUAL OPENING OF OUR CHURCH BUILDING AND CONSEQUENT WORSHIP SERVICE BEYOND SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, YOUR CHURCH COUNCIL HAS YET TO DECIDE. In a recent Rocky Mountain Synod post, our Bishop Jim Gonia is suggesting that Lutheran churches NOT OPEN UNTIL DECEMBER…and this, in outdoor services of social distancing, masks and disinfectants. He is thinking that INDOOR, BUILDING OPENING SANCTUARY SERVICES NOT HAPPEN UNTIL SOMETIME IN 2021.
Be assured that your church council will continue to make responsible decisions on our behalf WITH SAFETY FOR US AND OTHERS PARAMOUNT IN MIND.