Hello Cross of Glory Family and Friends!
Well. Rally Sunday is here! Typically, the Sunday after Labor Day, churches everywhere encourage congregants to recommit to church after summer breaks of sorts. Thankfully, your participation throughout the pandemic, now 6 months, has been sensational. Please continue to be with us regularly for worship! This Sunday there is opportunity to worship on our shady patio adjacent to our church rose garden. Bring your masks and lawn chairs. Be with us as we “rally” into the Fall, celebrating with Julie Blakely’s son, Michael as he receives his first communion.
Here is the link for Sunday’s 10 AM worship service!
Time: Sep 13, 2020 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 303 756 0735
God’s Peace to you! See you in ZOOM or on our church lawn Sunday!
Pastor Mike Lemke