WELCOME TO CROSS OF GLORY LUTHERAN CHURCH:  Thank you for being with us on this Rally Sunday!  We have family and friends participating in worship with the help of ZOOM technology, in their homes AND at our Outdoor Worship Service at Cross of Glory. Pastor Mike would be pleased to visit with you about membership. Our Sunday morning worship service is always available at 10:00 AM.

FIRST COMMUNION: Michael Edwards, son of Julie Blakely, will officially receive his first communion this morning.  Michael spent several sessions with Pastor Mike in preparation for this special time. He is taking Jesus’ commandment to “Come to the Table” seriously as we all should. 

SPECIAL RALLY SUNDAY THRIVENT ACTION TEAM PROJECT involves the purchase of HYGIENE items for those in need which will be given to Bienvenidos Food Bank and The Gathering Place.  Thank you for donating items for this project.