Halfway through Lent… I pray you are not giving up Lent for Lent. Remember, we have worship BOTH Sunday mornings (10 AM) AND now on Wednesday nights (7 PM). Our attendance for mid-week Wednesday services has been…. well… let’s strive to do better. Even if you choose NOT to join us in the sanctuary, you can certainly participate online via Zoom. In fact, for the next two Wednesday nights, I am opting to do Lenten worship from home. Karen Matlock, our organist, consequently can take a break somewhat in preparation for her husband Roger’s funeral service next Saturday (April 2nd at 2 PM… Pass the world) AND we can REALLY GEAR for better attendance and participation when we are back in the building during Holy Week mid-week services. Wes Munsil… having done a fantastic job playing Benjamin Franklin in the musical 1776 (so many of you have seen the performance) will portray the Apostle Paul this Wednesday on Zoom! JOIN US!
Here is the link for Sunday morning’s worship:
Topic: Cross of Glory’s Zoom Meeting
Time: March 27, 2022 10 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 303 756 0735
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Meeting ID: 303 756 0735
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Hymns can be downloaded HERE
The celebration can be downloaded HERE