Hello, Cross of Glory Family and Friends,
Like you, I am not quite sure what to think. We continue to live with the virus that simply… will not go away. You know of the recent mask requirement for three Denver counties. Cross of Glory is ON THE BORDER of Arapahoe and Denver counties in unincorporated space. Technically, we are not REQUIRED consequently to wear masks while worshipping indoors… though your Church Council, particularly with our older membership… and my health concerns… ENCOURAGES our indoor worshippers to wear masks AND TO safe distance while in the sanctuary. It is common sense stuff. Thank you for understanding.
We do not want to deter you from Sunday morning worshipping in-person at church. We hope you WOULD choose to join us. But our in-person attendance as of late (less than twenty in our sanctuary) suggests ongoing concerns about the virus. Let us assure those wondering about being with us in person that we are recognizing their anxieties AND DOING THINGS to curtail the spread of the disease.
How we pray that Corona19 becomes a memory. In the meantime, while hoping others will join us, let us diligently and pro-actively DO those responsible things that ultimately protect us… and… yes… those around us.
Thank you, Cross of Glory. Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for rolling with this.Pastor Mike Lemke