Hello Thank-livers!
It has been said that perhaps the greatest sin is to have a thankless heart.
With all the blessing we have… with a God who graces us always… let us come before Him with praise and thanksgiving.
Join us for our Thanksgiving Eve worship service this Wednesday, November 24 beginning at 7 PM Denver-time.
We will be hosting this Thanksgiving Eve service ONLY by Zoom. DO NOT GO TO CROSS OF GLORY THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT FOR CHURCH!
Here is the link… Plan on joining us!
Topic: Cross of Glory’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Nov 24, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 303 756 0735
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Meeting ID: 303 756 0735
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And please note that Cross of Glory friend Jack Fredericks did indeed pass into greater life Sunday afternoon. Prayers to Jack’s family and to dear Cross of Glory friends Doreen Eubank and Carin Davis.
HERE is the bulletin and HERE are the hymns we will be singing for the ZOOM service. Thank you Mom (Mary Lemke) for all you do… and in this instance, putting together the worship things for our Thanksgiving observance!
Peace to you!
Pastor Mike Lemke