Tuesday 2/21 Free Breakfast 6:30 to 8:30am, Bible Study Link, Ash Wednesday 2/22 Info

Hi Cross of Glory!

You have heard a few times now about our free Pancake Breakfast tomorrow, Tuesday, Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday beginning as early at 6:30 AM. Actually, pancakes are only a part. How about bacon, sausage and eggs, crepes, burritos, fresh fruit and biscuits and gravy? Surely you will not want to miss this! Nor will you want to miss inviting others. We are working hard this year at Cross of Glory to attract more newcomers to our church, prospective members. Be an inviter!  And yes, by all means, if you are able to pitch in and help with things tomorrow, how great would that be???  The breakfast goes until 8:30 and then there will be the clean-up thereafter.  Please come!
You see the link for tomorrow evening’s Bible Study. Thank you for your patience. I think we have solved the past concerns. Please do not let the hiccups recently prevent you from joining us regularly.
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This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday. I will be at the church this Wednesday, February 22nd from 8 AM to 11AM and then from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM to put ashes on your forehead… to visit with you and to pray with you. Pass the word.
The 3 questions for this week:
1.  Do you play an instrument? Would you be willing to play for us at church?
2.  Would you be willing to sing a solo for us at church?
3.  Would you like to be an assisting minister at times at Cross of Glory… robed and with Pastor Mike, helping behind the altar, especially with prayers?
Take to heart each of the newest questions. So far, I have been UNDERwhelmed by responses!!! Hehe! PLEASE WEIGH IN!  LET ME, LET US, KNOW YOUR RESPONSES TO THESE QUESTIONS! HELP BUILD OUR CHURCH!!!
Joy to you… and… see you bright and early in the morning!
Pastor Mike Lemke