Hello everyone!
Join us for Bible Study tonight at 6:30.
Lent is here! And hopefully, not as many Wednesday snow showers! Remember, so as NOT to have folks driving at night, we are hosting Lenten worship services on Wednesdays throughout March at 12 NOON! Come to Cross of Glory tomorrow, Wednesday, March 1st at NOON as we consider how Christ turns our mourning into joy. Pass the word! The same link below can be used to allow you to see Sunday morning 10 AM worship services at church, NOON Wednesday Lenten services AND tonight’s Bible study on “The Family God Wants Us to Be.”
Here is the link:
Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 303 756 0735One tap mobile+12532158782,,3037560735# US (Tacoma)+13462487799,,3037560735# US (Houston)Dial by your location+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)+1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)Meeting ID: 303 756 0735Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/krv6HH4iQAnd now, copy these prayer requests. Hang them on your fridge. Put them by the lampstand next to your bed. These prayers came out of our Power Hour (the 30-minute time after worship last Sunday at 11:30)…1. Pray for peace in Ukraine, Russia and China especially.2. Pray for Lisa Schmidt’s friend, Karen at Holly Heights Care Center, with mersa.3. Pray that our church Cross of Glory, will be a more active, loving “presence” among our members, friends and community.4. Pray generally for our church “shut-ins,” each with unique situations and challenges.5. Pray for Karen Matlock’s neighbor Elgin. In his 20s, he was taken by ambulance to the hospital recently with A-Fib.6. Pray for Angel Torres’ pinkie finger to be healed completely and his diabetes numbers to be in healthy range.7. Pray for Jarred Trinkle, in his ongoing struggles, in-between employment and being virtually on the street.8. Please continue to pray for me, Pastor Mike, as I continue my monthly cancer treatments… and now… monthly immu-therapies.WE ARE RESURRECTING THE PRAYER CHAIN AT CHURCH. WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO BE A PART? YOU WOULD RECEIVE CALLS DURING THE WEEK PERTAINING TO PRAYER REQUESTS. YOU WOULD PROMISE TO PRAY FOR THE PEOPLE AND SITUATIONS OF THE REQUESTS, AND IN TURN, PASS ON THE REQUESTS TO THE NEXT IN LINE IN OUR PRAYER CHAIN. LET ME OR LISA SCHMIDT KNOW OF YOUR WILLINGNESS. THANK YOU!And lastly…Our sister in Christ, Barbara Palmer, Charter Member of Cross of Glory going back 60+years, died peacefully this morning. Daughter Rosemary, the first baby baptized at Cross of Glory was by her bedside, having just read to Barbara the words of the beloved Christian hymn, “Precious Lord, Take My Hand.” Pray for the Palmer family. Funeral plans are pending.Busy, busy, busy… See you tonight in Bible Study and in church tomorrow for Lenten worship at NOON!Pastor Mike LemkeRemember the questions posed recently?1. Cross of Glory in your will?2. Are you taking advantage of the Grocery Card programs that benefit Cross of Glory?3. Are you a Thrivent member?4. Are you willing to play an instrument for us at church?5. Sing a solo?6. Be in our Cross of Glory choir?GET BACK IN TOUCH WITH YOUR ANSWERS! LET US BE THE CHURCH, THE FAMILY THAT GOD WANTS US TO BE!Pastor Mike Lemke