Human sex trafficking is a worldwide concern. Often, we think of human trafficking happening in other countries, not here in the United States. It is estimated that there are more than 300,000 minor children trafficked in the United States annually. The average age of a trafficked child is 11 or 12 years of age. The daily need for beds for United States survivors rescued from the sex trade industry is estimated to be 13,000. Sadly, there are approximately only 300 beds available in the entire country.
Sarah’s Home is a specialized group home shelter that offers hope to girls 12 to 18 years of age. The home, situated in El Paso County, Colorado, provides a comprehensive rehabilitation program. Founded in 2013, Sarah’s Home works to bring healing to mind, body and spirit of these traumatized girls. As part of the healing process, Sarah’s Home helps the girls to see their lives as a gift from God, and encourages each girl to use her unique gifts, talents, and abilities to make her world better. When a new girl arrives, she is angry and afraid. It takes approximately six months for trust to develop, and the goal is to rehabilitate each girl at Sarah’s Home for approximately 17 months. Each girl has her own bedroom, and a personalized program is developed to help each one through the process of coming to terms with her pain to find healing. Parents or guardians are also involved, as parental love and acceptance are critical components to the healing process.
If you suspect trafficking of any kind, please call the Colorado 24/7 hotline: 1-866-455-5075. More information about Sarah’s Home is available on their website: