November Outreach

Founded in 2002, the Second Wind Fund has served over 5,800 children and youth at risk for suicide.  Suicide is the leading cause of death for individuals between ages 10 and 24.  While other suicide prevention organizations offer broad suicide prevention education and awareness, the Second Wind Fund takes a different approach to this serious mental health issue.  They have an innovative program that matches children and youth, ages 19 and younger, with a licensed therapist in their community.  Up to 12 counseling sessions are made available to youth at risk for suicide.  Referrals to the program typically are generated by school mental health staff, but home-schooled youth or those no longer in school are also eligible for counseling services.  Second Wind Fund’s program helps referred youth discover hope and healing in their lives.

Metro Caring’s
November Items of the Month:
Cranberries, Green Beans, Gravy, Pumkin
Canned foods make Thanksgiving dinners complete. If you think of any other canned goods, please add it to your list. 
A huge “Thank You” to all who so generously place your donations in the Metro Caring Boxes in the narthex or in BOB,  our Big Orange Box, located at the front door of Cross of Glory. However, BOB is presently in need of more food! Please remember BOB when shopping! Know that your generosity helps others less fortunate
Lisa Schmidt, Outreach & Evangelism Chairperson