Be with us following our worship service as we recount last year’s ministry, review and adopt the 2021 budget and begin thinking of ministry opportunities we can share in 2021.

Council Chairpersons, please submit your annual reports to Danny Danforth, Sunday, January 17. 

The following individuals, elected on Sunday, December 13, to fill expired council positions for 2021, will be installed on Sunday, January 10:                                                        

                                                                                                      They will join:

 Danny Danforth, President             Steve Wilson, Education          Cherry Test, Secretary         

 Pam Lugo, Vice President               Jan Reich, Outreach               Carin Davis, Fellowship

 Vada Danforth, Treasurer               John Test, Property                Shelly Blakely, Stewardship

                                                                                                Mary Lemke, Music and Worship   

Please be sure to thank our retiring council individuals: Julie Prange, Lynn Reid and Steve Reid for jobs well done.  Especially thank Vada Danforth who has agreed to serve yet another term as our Treasurer and John Test who moves away from his 2020 President’s position (Great job last year John!  Thank you!) to be our newest Property Chairperson.                                                                                      

We are SO thankful for the willingness of our members to serve our church in the sacred, special capacity of being church council representatives.  Pastor Mike serves as a non-voting advisor to our church council.  Thank you all for your willingness to lead us this New Year!