Our Outreach Focus for April is Project Angel Heart. Over the many years now, Project Angel Heart has delivered thousands of meals to those too sick to go out… too sick to cook for themselves… too sick to grocery shop. I think of Jim Mueller who for years delivered meals to Denver shut-ins… of course, in Jim style… without fanfare or recognition. When it is all said and done, God does not care about the house we live in, the car we drive or how much money we have in the bank. God will not ask us how well we kept up with the newest fads and fashions. GOD WILL ASK US HOWEVER about the heart that we shared so that disenfranchised people might live. Consider supporting Project Angel Heart this upcoming week by going to a restaurant intent on sharing helps with the Project Angel Heart mission. Jan Reich, our Outreach Chairperson shares this info with us PROJECT ANGEL HEART – More than 200 restaurants in the Denver Metro area are participating. A list from ‘A to Z’ can be found online at Denver.org/restaurant week, GOING ON NOW THROUGH SUNDAY,MAY 2ND.