We appreciate our Cross of Glory ministry and are excited to share our “good news” with our friends. During the past year, to accommodate safety recommendations, changes have been made and new technology has been introduced. Each Sunday, more worship opportunities are with us.
Presently, following safety precautions by social distancing and wearing masks, we are introducing guidelines which allow individuals to worship physically with us in the sanctuary. Our worship services will continue to be available to all of us with the help of our ZOOM technology regardless of where we worship.
Sunday, May 30, the fifth Sunday of the month, has been designated “Bring a Friend to Church Sunday!” Now, you have two choices as to how to invite ALL your friends to worship with you. You can worship in our Cross of Glory sanctuary or you can share our ZOOM link information with them. Using their laptops, computers and/or phones, they can worship in their homes with us! We enjoy worshipping outdoors. Watch for warmer weather conditions. If the temperature is 60 degrees or warmer at 10:00 AM, we could be worshipping outdoors in our rose garden. If so, please remember to bring your lawn chairs if possible. If not, chairs will be available. Most importantly, please invite your friends to be with us on May 30 AND EVERY SUNDAY!