Hello Fellow “Isolators!”
My wife Barb and I watched Channel 9 news last evening. There was film footage shot from a helicopter over Denver yesterday during what is normally the busiest traffic time of the week, Friday rush hour. Denver looked like a REAL Wild West City, a virtual Ghost town with few vehicles on I-25! What a strange time this is!
But the good news is that a Denver community, a Colorado one, is taking more seriously the health suggestions (laws). We are being responsible citizens. Regardless of whether we believe “virus” news is hype and that suggested precautions are “overboard,” we cannot argue that many have become sick. If all exercise social distancing, practice good hygiene and use common sense, we will not overload our hospitals. Sooner rather than later, this weird, concerning time will be behind us and we truly can get back to a different kind of “normalcy.”
Remember when we prayed for patience??? Yikes! Be careful what you pray for!!!
I have encouraged you to share with us “needs’ as they are upon you. Perhaps there are practical ways we may help. TOGETHER we are BETTER. TOGETHER we are STRONGER. Consider Acts 4:32, “All the believers in Jesus were one in heart and mind. No one claimed any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.” Please keep us informed of your situations, your wellbeing and your needs.
A number of you have responded to our calls for continued offering helps. Thank you! Please continue to pray about what you might share with our church that we may weather this financially challenging time in not physically being in our sanctuary for worship. We are close to sharing with you news of Direct Deposit options should you wish to contribute offerings each month automatically generated from your banks to Cross of Glory.
I am pleased that so many were able to watch last Sunday’s worship service via ZOOM. Do not be intimidated by its set-up. Look for the email Steve Reid sent you on its application. Soon you too will be able to join us for worship and other gatherings of our church. I will be “broadcasting” a Bible Study a couple times a week via ZOOM. Be looking for an invitation to join! I welcome your suggestions for desired topics.
Also, please note that for the first time, Cross of Glory is sending its monthly newsletter to you via… EMAIL! Rather than go to Office Depot for copying and expending the mailing cost, Mom, Mary Lemke is inviting you to receive and “open up” your monthly newsletter from your emails! You can still print your newsletters from your home printers if you want hard copies. We will ask Nancy Barlow, who does an absolutely WONDERFUL job caring for our Cross of Glory website, to put our newsletters on our website. Interested parties in our ministry could visit our website and conceivably “pull up” our newsletter with the click of a button!
Of course there are some in our church family who do not have emails. We will mail newsletters to them… as well as other pertinent information sharings in the future. Please let me know who ELSE might be wanting to receive our correspondences. After securing their permissions, please share with me their email addresses and/or mailing addresses. Thank you!
Some of you have wondered about “The Word In Season” devotional booklets that routinely are dispersed to you every three months at Cross of Glory. A new devotional is available for the months of April, May and June. If you are interested in receiving the devotional booklet, please let us know. We can mail you one. Karen Matlock, our gifted organist, suggested that we share the suggested Bible readings for each Sunday (from the Celebrate inserts) with our congregational members and friends in anticipation of upcoming ZOOM worship services. We can post the readings on our website… an added, EASY way to find them