1. Please pray for Dana Diekmeier (Gina, our guitar player’s daughter). Pray for Dana to be safe and to find her way. Pray for the family’s strength and encouragement.
2. Pray for the over one hundred people who frequent our church each week, now unable to physically meet in our building for a time, for the strength to combat their addiction compulsions.
3. Pray for Roger Matlock, hospitalized yesterday (Friday, March 27) for the leg infection that plagues him every so often. Keep Karen in your hearts as well.
4. We rejoice that Lisa Schmidt was recently approved for Medicaid! Life (and bills) for Lisa just became more manageable. Thanks to Carin Davis who helped with the MONTHS of paperwork!
5. Please pray for friends of ours from Barb’s church, Jonny and wife Sandy Johnson. We have known the Johnsons for 35 years. Jonny was UNQUESTIONABLY the best shortstop in Parker softball leagues. Both Jonny and Sandy contracted the Coronavirus. Jonny is now home from the hospital recovering. Sandy however is on a ventilator, now in an induced coma. Pray for healing. Pray for comfort.
6. Pam Lugo requests prayers for her cousin and writes, “Could you please add my favorite cousin to our Prayer List? Her name is Jo Pederson. She has a terminal blood cancer with six months to a year to live. She lives in Granite Falls, Minnesota. She has been my cousin friend playmate since we were little girls. She is the daughter of my dad’s last remaining relative Aunt Esther who was one of my mom’s best friends. Auntie Esther is 93 and still doing well in her 100-year home in Minnesota.”