OUR OUTREACH FOCUS FOR DECEMBER IS OUR HELPING HANDS PROGRAM: Helping Hands has provided thousands of dollars in assistance to…
CROSS OF GLORY SUNDAY ADVENT NIGHTS FAMILY OUTREACH: We are hoping to “light up” the lives of some of our…
With the lighting of the Prophecy Candle, we begin the celebration of the Christ Child.
Bea Varney went to be with her Lord on Sunday, November 17. Her Celebration of Life Funeral Service will be held…
FLOWERS this morning are sponsored by Kelli and Scott Dankenbring “In Celebration of Carson’s birthday.”
Greeter: Pat Lemster Ushers: Vada & Danny Danforth Lector: Marcia Hallenbeck Children’s Sermon: Kelli Dankenbring Children’s Sunday School: Julie Prange Communion:…
DECEMBER 12 (THURSDAY) DAZZLE. Reservations have been made and tickets purchased for this Senior Jazz Lunch. Mary Lemke can be reimbursed…
Prayers for Bea Varney’s family as Bea is now in her heavenly home. Prayer Request Cards are in your bulletins. If there is…
Bea Varney went to be with her Lord on Sunday, November 17. Her Celebration of Life Service will be held…
Following our worship service today, Christmas music can be heard. Our choir members are singing hymns that will tell the…
Please submit your December/Christmas “news” to lemkemj@comcast.net today, November 24. Thank you!
FLOWERS this morning are sponsored by Steve and Jillene Lemke “In Celebration of Our Wedding Anniversary.”
THANK YOU, PASTOR CARL HANSEN, for assisting us with our worship services in Pastor Mike’s absence. You, Betty and your ministry…
We are hoping to “light up” the lives of some of our shut-ins by stopping by for a visit to…
SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1: FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT – WORSHIP AT 10:00 AM: With the lighting of the Prophecy Candle, we…
STUDY/CLUB MEETING DATE CHANGES: Please note the following date changes: TUESDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY will not meet during Thanksgiving week…
A THANKSGIVING EVE MEAL will be held at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2400 South Colorado Blvd., on Wednesday, November…
If you have not returned your 2020 Time and Talent Sheets and/or Financial Pledge Cards, please prayerfully do so soon.…
A THANKSGIVING EVE MEAL will be held at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2400 South Colorado Blvd., on Wednesday, November…
• Prayers for Bea Varney and her family as they deal with Bea’s health concerns. • Prayers for Al Schober…