Continued Merry Christmas… and Happy New Year Dear Ones!
Yes, remember there are indeed 12 Days of Christmas beginning with December 25th until Epiphany Day, January 6th! And (thank God) we are NOW into a brand new year!!! Hooray!!!
Let us trust that with God’s help… with the help of the Scriptures and the help of all of us helping one another… that 2021 will be one of the absolute BEST years we have had personally and congregationally.
Here is the link for Sunday’s 10 AM service. Please, please, please… as you are making resolutions now… resolve to be with us on Sundays AND resolve to share these worship and Bible study links with people of your acquaintance.
Topic: Cross of Glory’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Jan 3, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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And some prayer considerations…
1. Pastor Todd from Prince of Peace is calling for our prayers… and possible help. He sent this email out recently regarding his fiancee Kelli Clowling: “On the fourth day of Christmas, I send an unusual email request…’Do you or anyone you may know have an oxygen concentrator in great condition that is not being used? My beloved Kelly is dealing with breathing difficulty (perhaps her breast cancer again?) and in need of oxygen support. I’m interested in borrowing or purchasing concentrators for home or portable use. You can reply to this email, or call me at 720-588-7223 if you know of any help.'” So many of you know Kelly from our joint Cross of Glory/Prince of Peace services. What a sweetheart!
2. In what has been a vicious cycle of falls and refalls, Swedish Hospital stays and worries, Pat Lemster’s daughter Linda (and Pat certainly) is in need of our prayers. Linda has had better days in the hospital and then some absolutely terrible ones. Thankfully, she has not contracted COVID. Pat is being chipped away with anxiety and concerns. Pray for the Lemsters… dear, dear people that they are.
3. Roger Matlock, no stranger to falls and refalls, continues his rehabilitation from his Thanksgiving broken leg away from home (and wife Karen). Roger’s break was concerning enough that more than a month after his fall, he is STILL not allowed to put any weight on his legs. His time in the rehab center remains up in the air. With 2021 now upon us, insurance will kick in once again though there have been expensive “out-of-pocket” days as of late (the end of 2020). Karen keeps smiling. Let us help the Matlocks… keep upbeat, positive and supported.
4. As I mentioned in worship, Bishop Jim Gonia’s father died on Christmas. I also learned recently that long-time pastor retired from St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church, near Havana and Colfax in Aurora, Neil Kvern died also on Christmas. Prayers to all!
5. Our friend from Mexico, Jesus Amezcua Hernandez has relocated to Guadalajara, Mexico from beautiful Puerto Vallarta for conceivably the next six months… perhaps longer. Pray for his continued impact in bringing his gifts, his heart to others.
6. My brother-in-law Steve Vannoy (married to my sister Barb) became a grandfather in what certainly was one of Denver’s earliest 2021 births! We welcome Isla into the world… born earlier today healthy, happy… and… hungry!!!
7. A prayer of thanksgiving for all of you, members and non-members alike, who during a pandemic year, a year of extraordinary challenges and concerns, continued to support us lovingly and sacrificially at church with consistent and needed 2020 offerings. We ended the year with more money in hand than bills paid out… a good… a great thing! Keep the help coming in our mutual ministry! We want Cross of Glory to be, to do, in this brand new year, what God calls us to be, to do! With God’s help… with your support… we as the Church… CAN!!!
Thanks for your love Cross of Glory! Share Christmas… share Christ’s love… well into 2021 and beyond!!!
Pastor Mike Lemke
PS: And heartfelt thanks Mom (Mary Lemke) for the job you do for us every month, well over a decade now at Cross of Glory, in preparing and sending our newsletter to many interested readers and supporters of our ministry. Mom dropped off the January 2021 newsletter at the post office on Thursday of last week. With the holiday… and mail-back-ups as of late… most likely you will receive your newsletter this Monday. Be looking for it! And… let us know if others who should be receiving it! Their addresses please?
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