At our Yard Sale on Saturday, August 8, we were able to raise funds for our church. I would like to thank our congregation for making this possible. YOU were at the Yard Sale early removing items from the church and placing the tables on the grass in our yard ready for our visitors to “shop.” YOU worked all day in the sun, and finally after the sale, YOU boxed up and removed the unsold items. There is no “I” in team and a great team we made. I would like to thank:
Julie Blakely
Pam Lugo
Steve & Lynn Reid
Vada Danforth
Don Pieratt & Craig Pizinski
John & Cherry Test
Carin & Zach Davis
Julie Prange
Angel Torres & Lindsey Janoe
Helen Devantery
Jan Reich
Trevor Wilson
Pastor Mike, Steve & Mary Lemke
Frank Redding
Joe & Kari Winter
I could not have done this without each and every one of you. THANK YOU.
Sincerely, Shelly Blakely, Stewardship Chairperson