Hi Cross of Glory Family and Friends!
Plan on being with us for worship (online or in our Cross of Glory building) today, Sunday, May 16th at 10 AM.
Here is the link:
Topic: Cross of Glory’s Zoom Meeting
Time: May 16, 2021 10:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 303 756 0735
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Meeting ID: 303 756 0735
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You will note also that the Celebrate insert and hymns for this morning are attached, HERE and HERE. Print them. Pass word on to others.
Gina Diekmeier invites you to check out the Steven Curtis Chapman music video, “Glorious Unfolding.” Gina explains that it speaks to those especially looking for purpose in life.
See you at 10 Everyone!
Pastor Mike Lemke