Have you been one of the many who have joined Steve Wilson and friends for regular 6:15 PM Tuesday evening Bible Study these months? We certainly hope so! Studying God’s Word in part defines Lent. We trust that you prioritized looking at God’s Word regularly during our 40 days of 2021 Lenten disciplines.
If not, do not despair! There’s not a better time to begin getting into the Bible than…today! In the month of April, Steve Wilson, our Cross of Glory Education Chairman, will continue to lead Zoom onlookers in an appreciation of “The Red-Letter Edition Words of Jesus” each Tuesday. Plan on being with us at 6:15 these evenings, joining the many from our fellowship and beyond in learning more about Christ. We are all better when YOU choose to be with us! And frankly, you are better when you choose to be with your friends from Cross of Glory as we learn more about Jesus together. Recall our Mission Statement: “Rooted in God’s Word!” Be a student of the Bible, in fun, in faith and in fellowship!