The Zoom Bible Study link for Tuesday, June 1st, @6:15 pm!

Hi Cross of Glory Family and Friends,
After a couple of weeks of Bible Study “vacation,” we resume a study of Acts tonight, Tuesday, June 1.

Plan on being with us at 6:15.  Steve Wilson will lead us with… we pray… your input as we try to provide plenty of opportunity for discussion and questions.
Here is the link:
Topic: Cross of Glory’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 1, 2021 06:15 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 303 756 0735
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Depending on the participation, we will decide about:
1.  Whether we will continue Bible Study into the summer, or if indeed, after a year without a break, we will take some additional time off
2.  And/or having the opportunity for people to return to our building for yet another, different Bible Study alongside our Tuesday evening sharing.
Here’s hoping you will choose to join us tonight!
Pastor Mike Lemke