Thank you, dear ones of Cross of Glory, for your willingness to remain vigilant and proactive during the continuance of Covid19 virus concerns.  The virus simply will not go away! All the more, your Church Council is appreciative of your efforts to help minimize the spread of the disease. When you are worshipping indoors at Cross of Glory, please consider wearing a mask. Be sure to keep your distance from others as you sit in the pews. Note that there is handwash available near our front door as you enter and as you exit the church. Be sure to wash your hands regularly.  You will also see that there are communion kits (little plastic glasses of grape juice and a communion wafer) on the table that displays our hymns and Bible readings. If you are uneasy about approaching the communion rail during worship, consider using a communion kit during the offering of the sacrament.  You can sit back in your pew during communion. Common sense measures in combating the virus will help turn the tables on the disease sooner than later. Please know that your vigilant and proactive measures better assure your health and the health of those around you (including our Pastor’s safely)!  Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!