Please be sure to thank our retiring Council member, Craig Pizinski, for a job well done, Steve Wilson, agreeing to serve yet another term as our Education Chairperson, and Jan Reich who moves away from being our Outreach Chair to be our newest President-Elect. Especially thank Pam Lugo for her dedication to providing exceptional leadership as last year’s President for Cross of Glory.
We are SO thankful for the willingness of our members to serve our church in the sacred, special capacity of being Church Council representatives. Pastor Mike serves as a non-voting advisor to our Church Council. Thank ALL for their willingness to lead us this New Year!
And remember! Though we are blessed to have such capable and spirited Council people, YOU are the Church! How we hope ALL will participate in our ministry! Have you returned your Time and Talent sheet? Have you shared with Pam Lugo your offering intentions for this new year? Please respond in faith, this after prayer, what you perceive God places on your heart to give. Cross of Glory is SO unique. With our small membership we know one another so very, very well. Consequently, perhaps, “in-the-know”, we may care for one another all the more! Let us not allow our challenges to deter us from doing what we believe God is calling us to do. Our “age” is an advantage! We have so many in our church, steeped in faith and in worship, who are adamant about BEING THE CHURCH. If you have been sidelined these last years from actively participating in our, your, ministry at Cross of Glory, probably because of the pandemic, now is the time, all the more to be a part. How about joining us for worship and Bible study opportunities more frequently. YOU ARE BOTH WANTED AND NEEDED! Thank you!
And thank you ahead of time for no doubt the prayers you pray for one another and especially our Church leadership going into 2023. Prayer works! We are spinning our wheels personally and congregationally if we do not “take it to the Lord in prayer.” Be sure to share YOUR needs with your Church Council and with Pastor Mike as well. Just as you are trying to be there for others, in prayer, in helps, YOUR CHURCH, wants to be there for you also. Thank you!
With each passing year at Cross of Glory, it seems like we are challenged more and more with things that might keep us from being what we hope to be. Let us trust the Bible verse that says, “With men things are impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” Let God direct us. Let love guide us. And let genuine, sincere devotion, one for another, be our continual theme. The best is yet to come. Believe it! Trust it! Live it!