Sunday is another day our Lord has made! On Sunday, January 10 we will gather together via ZOOM at 10:00 AM for our Sunday Worship Service. It is the Baptism of Our Lord Sunday. Our hymns and scripture lessons will reflect this special Sunday.
Beginning with our hymns, note the Sunday, January 10, 2021 document above. By clicking HERE and OPEN, the hymns will appear! Thank you for printing these hymns prior to our Sunday service and having them ready for you to sing.
Our scripture lessons will be:
Genesis 1:1-5
Acts 19:1-7
Mark 1:4-11
Thank you, Lynn Reid and Helen Devantery for reading these passages for us. There were Celebrates distributed recently to some of you. These lessons can be found in the January 10 Celebrate. If you did not receive a Celebrate, the lessons can be found in your Bibles! You will get a preview of Sunday’s service!
January promises to be a busy time at Cross of Glory. There are many ministry opportunities for all of us. Watch for more information in your emails!
Next Sunday, the third Sunday of the month, is our January Birthday Celebration Sunday. EVERYONE with January birthdays, PLEASE plan to be with us. We want to celebrate with YOU. Invite your family and friends!
Thank you for making plans to be with us tomorrow morning. I look forward to “seeing” and “hearing” all of you!!!
Mary (Lemke)