Mark your calendars for these Cross of Glory events:
SATURDAY, JUNE 1, COMMUNITY SHRED – 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM: Save your bank statements, cancelled checks, medical records or anything you would like to have destroyed. Suggested donation is $5 per box/sack. More would be appreciated! Help will be needed! Please visit with Olive Keefer if you are available to be of assistance.
SUNDAY, JUNE 2: CROSS OF GLORY’S 60TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: Plans are being made for this memorable celebration. Invitations have been extended to our former pastors. Memories will be relived! Begin taking notes of memories you would like to share. Invite family members, neighbors and friends. God will be in our midst!
SATURDAY, JUNE 15 – CROSS OF GLORY YARD SALE: Start going through your closets, drawers and crawl spaces for items you are now able to do without! This date is in conjunction with our Cook Park Neighborhood Yard Sale. Additional people will be in our neighborhood! No electronic items, such as computer components or television sets will be accepted. In anticipation of bringing your donations to church, please price things ahead of time! Thank you!