• SPAGHETTI DINNER/WHITE ELEPHANT BINGO PARTY: Join us on Saturday, November 2 at 5:00 PM for dinner followed by Bingo! The dinner is $5.00 for all you can eat spaghetti, salad, bread and dessert. Bingo is free! Please try to R.S.V.P. by October 30 by signing the sheet in the Fellowship Hall or call Carin Davis at 720-705-3522.
• DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME ENDS: Set your clocks back one hour on Saturday, November 2!! You will arrive at church Sunday morning, November 3, fully rested!
• ALL SAINTS’ SUNDAY – NOVEMBER 3: Everyone is invited to honor their saints who have died in the faith at our special Remembrance Service. Please submit a picture and/or information piece of your saint(s) to Steve Reid by October 29.
• OUR CHRISTMAS CANTATA will be held on Sunday, December 8. ANYONE who likes music and enjoys singing is encouraged to join us as a choir member. Our first practice will be held on Sunday, November 3, directly after worship. To ensure we have music for everyone, please sign the sheet in the Fellowship Hall!
• SPECIAL OUTREACH PROGRAM: Through HarvestShare, we will be providing full food boxes to MetroCaring the week before Thanksgiving. Special flyers describing our food requests can be found in your mailboxes or obtained from our ushers. Thank you, Vada and Danny Danforth, for providing an example of a HarvestShare food box in the Fellowship Hall.
• STEWARDSHIP: Once you have received your Time and Talent Sheets and Pledge Cards, we ask that you prayerfully consider your desires to use your very special Gifts and Talents to Honor God. Please return the Time and Talent Sheets to Vada Danforth and your sealed Financial Pledge Cards to Pam Lugo. Thank you for your ministry!
- NOVEMBER 6 (WEDNESDAY) PLAZA SUITE. Reservations have been made for this Neil Simon’s classic shown at the Arvada Center. Please reimburse Mary Lemke for the ticket cost of $43 which includes the lunch (11:30 AM) and show (1:00 PM). The cost of the round trip bus fare is $3.00.
- NOVEMBER 23 (SATURDAY) DENVER CONCERT BAND Shown at the Lone Tree Arts Center at 2:00 PM, the band rings in the holiday season with a musical celebration. The cost of the ticket is $18.00. The reservation deadline is November 2. The cost of the round trip bus fare is $3.00. Sign the sheet in the Fellowship Hall.