We have heard the word. We know that ‘advent” means “coming.” The season of Advent, beginning always four Sundays before Christmas Day, urges Christians to prepare for… Christmas? Wrong! Christmas happened 2000 years ago! God promised that Messiah would come. The prophet Micah predicted Bethlehem would be the place! Shazam! Jesus came to David’s City, to us, 2000 years ago! When we say “Advent” today, Christians are preparing for the… Second Coming of Christ! This year, beginning Sunday, November 27, the First Sunday of Advent, we more diligently prepare our hearts for Jesus to return to earth in the clouds… to usher in a New Heaven and a New Earth. Watch! Wait! Wonder! Praise! Pray! Prepare! Make sure to be with us for regular 10:00 AM Sunday morning worship during “Advent” as we will begin singing so many of the favorite Christmans carols AND have activities to go with differing Sunday after Sunday “coming” themes!