Lent is upon us! This Wednesday, March 2nd, our friends at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, 2400 South Colorado Boulevard, have invited us to attend in-person worship with them in their church building. Be looking for the link so that those of you choosing not to attend in person might be able to be part of the worship experience as well.
And then, the following five Wednesdays, we will be gathering at Cross of Glory for 7:00 PM worship. Using Holden Evening Prayer as our format, we will be presenting character sketches of certain ones who encountered Jesus in His ministry and trek to the cross. AND, our Zoom link will be available for those choosing not to attend in person.
Wednesday, March 9: The Woman at the Well
Wednesday, March 16: Peter
Wednesday, March 23: Mary Magdalene
Wednesday, March 30: The Apostle Paul
Wednesday, April 6: Mary, The Mother of Jesus
We are still in need of people who will volunteer to read Scripture passages. Please be sure to visit with Mary Lemke, our Music and Worship chairperson or Pastor Mike about your willingness to help. We also are looking for those who might play an instrument or sing a solo for us during Lent.
Pastor Mike and Pastor Todd from Prince of Peace are still talking about Holy Week, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday Services. So much depends on the virus. As plans unfold, we will be sure to let you know. Of course, we will be Zooming services for those who choose to remain at home during Lent.
Be sure to be with us for Wednesday observances and Sunday morning worship throughout these next 40 days of Lent.