Our Saturday, October 31st day has begun – we thank God for the beautiful morning.
Here are the hymns we will be singing for tomorrow’s 10:00 AM ZOOM All Saints Sunday Worship Service. Click on the Sunday, November 1, 2020 attachment above, OPEN – and the hymns will appear. A smile will appear on your face as you will begin humming and singing. Although the hymns are familiar, it would be helpful to print them to “practice” and appreciate the words! Your morning has become even more beautiful!!!
Our scripture lessons are
Revelation 7:9-17
1 John 3:1-3
Matthew 5:1-12
Thank you, Steve Lemke and Gina Diekmeier for reading these passages for us.
We all have saints in our lives. Tomorrow morning for our sermon, we are being given the opportunity to share stories about them. It will be a special personal Cross of Glory Family and Friends Service. Begin thinking about what you would like to share. Our saints, always in our hearts, will be with us.
Be sure to be with us for worship this Sunday, November 1 for our 10 AM Zoom worship service. This Sunday is All Saints Sunday. I will be inviting you to be the sermon, sharing stories about your saints, past and present. This has always been a rich worship service of heartfelt sharing. Join us!