To My Cross of Glory Family:
This is a difficult and unusual time of our lives that we have not experienced before. For many in our church family, it increases the already heavy burdens they were bearing. It is also an opportunity for us to look beyond taking care and precautions for ourselves and reach out to those that need our help and assistances.
So many of our church members have been doing this throughout this crisis, but there is always the need for additional helping hands. If you are able, please contact members who may need a little boost during this time. And for those who are struggling to bear extra burdens, we hope you will please let us know what we can do to help – food, rides to doctor appointments, financial assistance, and of course, prayers. Even a simple call can brighten someone’s life.
Thank you all for doing what you can to help us to get through this trying time.
Our ZOOM Sunday services and Bible study on Tuesday evenings having been wonderful and a blessing for us all. Many thanks to Steve Reid for doing all the expert technical aspects for us and helping us know how to tune in. If you need some personal assistance to join these services, please be sure to contact Steve at 303-909-1911.
I also want to thank you for all your generous donations these last few weeks and we hope you will continue to support Cross of Glory’s ongoing expenses. We know this crisis has changed some of your financial circumstances, but we hope that those of us that have not experienced loss of income will continue our offering and possibly even a little additional if you can.
Cherry and I are praying for our church, our church family, and for our pastor who is leading us through this uncertain time. Take good care of yourselves and stay well until we can all be together again.
Do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.
Hebrews 16:13
John Test