Education Opportunities-Sundays and Tuesdays

Hey Bible Lovers! How about joining us for 6:30 PM Tuesday evening Zoom Bible studies at Cross of Glory?

Just recently, Pastor Mike began a study on “The Family God Wants Us To Be.” The study incorporates Biblical texts and discussion questions as we wonder about the KIND of fellowship we hope (God hopes) Cross of Glory to be. Ironically, at the same time we pray to be the church God calls us to be, we will also consider what kind of Christian… what kind of person… God is calling US to be. You know you have wanted to draw closer to God as you have moved into this brand-new year. What better time… what better way to grow in faith, to grow in the Lord, but then to join us for a look at God’s Word?

Perhaps you have friends who would want to join us for Zoom on Tuesdays. Get their email addresses and we can send them the link to participate as well. How wonderful to get THEIR perspectives!

And certainly, remember Adult Sunday School beginning at 9:00 AM before worship at church.  Pastor Mike is leading the class on a study of the Apostles’ Creed, taking to heart what Luther wrote about the sections. We will also consider what it means to BE Christians theologically… this against the backdrop of some pretty weird notions over the eons! Join us!

Lastly, be looking for Sunday School for kids immediately after Easter this year. We are trying to round-up the teachers and the resources to pull things off soon! Thank for your patience! Are you willing to teach! We can help you! Let Steve Wilson at church or Pastor Mike know! Thank you!