7:30 AM AND 10:00 AM
Two worship opportunities will be offered at Cross of Glory on Easter morning. Holy Communion will be celebrated at each service.
Easter began in darkness. “While it was still dark, the women went to the tomb!” While thoughts of the Friday before crushed the women attending Jesus at the tomb that morning, God ushers in brilliant light and life! Jesus had said He would be raised from the dead! God kept His promise. God keeps His promise to us as well. Because Jesus lives, we can live also! We will celebrate Easter! Jesus has risen! He has risen indeed!
Hearts were heavy. Hopes had been dashed. But when the sun rose, the women realized the Easter tomb was empty! Come to Cross of Glory for our 7:30 AM Easter Sunrise Service. Jesus, the True Light of the World penetrates the darkness.
You are invited to join us for Easter breakfast. We will begin serving at 8:30 AM following worship at 7:30 AM and before worship at 10:00 AM. If there is a special item you would like to provide, there is a sign up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. A freewill offering will be taken. Invite your friends and families!
Children always enjoy hunting for Easter eggs on Easter Sunday. Invite children of all ages to be at Cross of Glory by 9:15 AM, earlier if possible. They can worship with us at the Sunrise Service and enjoy the Easter Breakfast before they begin their “hunt.” If some eggs appear to be more difficult to locate, the older children and adults will be given permission to help! Join in the hunt!
Jesus walks from death into life and invites us to join him. The stone is rolled away and heaven’s gate opened.
On Easter morning, with the Sullivan Family, trumpets, trombone, flute, organ and voices lifted up in praise, we will celebrate our 10:00 AM Traditional Easter Service!