Sixty years ago at this time, exciting things were happening.
September 30: Pastor Eugene Nilsen arrived in Denver to establish a new church.
November 15: First service is held at Ash Grove Elementary School.
December 10: Bids are let for construction of a church building.
December 21:Ground-breaking ceremony is held at the church site, South Oneida Street and Panorama Lane.
April 2: Cross of Glory Lutheran Church is officially organized!
Join us on Sunday, June 2 as we celebrate the ongoing 60 years of ministry Cross of Glory has provided. Our celebration will begin with our 10:00 AM Worship Service followed by a beautiful brunch. Special activities, music, and guests will make this history-making service very eventful and memorable.
Begin gathering any memorabilia you would like to share – pictures, stories, etc. Help will be needed on various committees. Visit with Pastor Mike.
Invite friends to be with us on June 2. See you there!