Are you evaluating the items and space you have in your home? Are you discovering that you have more items than space? Do you have items you have not used for a while, items you KNOW others are needing? Are you looking for the perfect solution? WE HAVE AN ANSWER FOR YOU!
It’s time to consider being a part of Cross of Glory’s Yard Sale on Saturday, August 21, where yard space is available for your donated stuff! We are encouraging everyone to continue collecting items that they would like to donate – things that would be appropriate for our Yard Sale – NO MATTRESSES, ELECTRONIC ITEMS (television things, etc.) please. As you continue to gather items for the Yard Sale, PLEASE price them. If necessary, beginning the first part of August, the items can be brought to Cross of Glory and placed in a designated area. Times will be announced when someone will be at the church to receive the items. We want to thank everyone for their efforts to remove items from their homes to share with others. It could be beneficial to themselves – and Cross of Glory!